On 4/27/13, Reinier Olislagers <reinierolislag...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Noticed that an 8086 branch was merged to fpc trunk. Is it time to get
> out some 5.25" diskettes[1]?
> [1] Shame I dumped all the accompanying hardware long ago ;) Perhaps
> break out DOSBOX ;)

I still have a portable (ahum, > 5 kg) IBM XT with 5.25" floppy disk.
HD is appr. 10 MB (decaying...)
Problem of course wil be to get the compiler on the floppy disks, and
then hope my HD is large enough.

(It cost about 10,000 Dfl (appr 4,500 € / $ 5000) at the time of purgase.)

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