Bart wrote:
On 4/27/13, Reinier Olislagers <> wrote:
Noticed that an 8086 branch was merged to fpc trunk. Is it time to get
out some 5.25" diskettes[1]?

[1] Shame I dumped all the accompanying hardware long ago ;) Perhaps
break out DOSBOX ;)

I still have a portable (ahum, > 5 kg) IBM XT with 5.25" floppy disk.
HD is appr. 10 MB (decaying...)
Problem of course wil be to get the compiler on the floppy disks, and
then hope my HD is large enough.

(It cost about 10,000 Dfl (appr 4,500 € / $ 5000) at the time of purgase.)

I've definitely got at least one system around older than a '386, but if it really is supposed to be an 8086 target it would have to be tested on an 8086/8088 because of extra opcodes that were added to the 186/286. I think I've got a system with 8086 or possibly V20, but it's non-PC and I don't know where its copy of DOS is (it usually ran CCP/M).

I don't know how reliable a test something like Dosbox or Bochs would be, some of them vitualise the underlying hardware while others are sloppy about what opcodes they actually implement.

So in practical terms, a strict 8086 port is probably untestable. But why would anybody want to when even embedded processors are based on a newer architecture?

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]
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