I have boiled down my problem to this democode. The problem is in the begin line of set Direction. The sp gets moved to 0x0fff8f94 which is unititialized Space before RAM.

The Reason is that the offset for the local var .Lj9 (.long -32840) is plain wrong. It might be me doing something strange (Setting the record to absolute) but this works fine on armv7m.

Jeppe, could you perhaps have a look, I compared with armv7m code and there the whole handling of local vars seems to work totally different.

I am doing something unusual here, so another conclusion is that my problem is most likely not related to the segfault described, sorry for messing this thread up.


program hello;
{$mode objfpc}
{$modeswitch advancedrecords}

  TGPIO_Bit = 0..11;
  TGPIO_Direction = (GPIO_Input, GPIO_Output);
  TGPIO_Registers = record
    MASKED_ACCESS: array [0 .. 4095] of longword;
    RESERVED1    : array [0 .. 4095] of longword;
    DIR          : longword;
    &IS           : longword;
    IBE          : longword;
    IEV          : longword;
    IE           : longword;
    RIS          : longword;
    MIS          : longword;
    IC           : longword;
    procedure setDirection(bit : TGPIO_Bit; direction : TGPIO_Direction);

  LPC_AHB_BASE   = $50000000;
  LPC_GPIO0_BASE = (LPC_AHB_BASE + $00000);

  GPIO0 : TGPIO_Registers absolute(LPC_GPIO0_BASE);

procedure TGPIO_Registers.setDirection(bit : TGPIO_Bit; direction : TGPIO_Direction);
  DIR := DIR and (not (1 shl bit)) or (longWord(direction) shl bit);

  i : integer;
  i := 0;

Am 13.01.14 15:39, schrieb Michael Ring:
I guess not, when I remember correctly this has already been repaired for armv6m. The problem for me is that .Lj9 is defined as a negative number. As a consequence r13 points to nirvana and

str     r0,[r13, #8] creates an Exception.

# [87] begin
        push    {r4,r14}
        ldr     r4,.Lj9
        add     r13,r13,r4
# Var bit located at r13+0
# Var direction located at r13+4
# Var $self located at r13+8
        str     r0,[r13, #8]
        strb    r1,[r13]
        str     r2,[r13, #4]


        .long   -32840
        .long   32768
        .long   32840

Am 13.01.14 15:15, schrieb Jeppe Græsdal Johansen:
Might be related to the mla/mls optimization which somehow has been enabled even though it's still broken

----- Reply message -----
Fra: "Reinier Olislagers" <reinierolislag...@gmail.com>
Dato: man., jan. 13, 2014 13:44
Emne: [fpc-pascal] ARM Linux crosscompiler: compiles but... executable gives segmentation fault
Til: <fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org>

On 13/01/2014 12:34, Michael Ring wrote:
> I had a look at armv6m yesterday evening, parts of my code run fine in
> gdb, the code crashes in the init of a procedure when trying to prepare
> the access to contents of a set.
> The address of the set seems to get calculated totally wrong ending up
> in a memory access at the end of the chip's address range.
> Not sure if this is related to your problem, I will try to boil down the
> example to a bare minimum to see where the generated code differs
> between armv7m and armv6m.

Thanks a lot, Michael!

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