> On May 26, 2014, at 2:52 AM, Michael Schnell <mschn...@lumino.de> wrote:
> I understand that "anonymous functions" is some kind of "syntax candy" for 
> stuff that - with some additional typing - could be done without, "OpenMP 
> support" is about allowing parallel work - especially useful on the now 
> ubiquitous multi-processor boxes - by means of the rtl. "parallel loop" and 
> "future" is about syntax candy for parallel execution  - e.g. via OpenMP.
> So my question was about the real target of the discussion.

I am interested in anonymous functions specifically.  See my second post in the 
thread for why.  OpenMP support would be a nice feature, but even if it were 
Delphi/VCL compatible, it only gets me half of my goal, and I only included the 
threading support first because it was shorter to describe.  Replacing our 
usage of fibers/coroutines is a *much* more pressing issue.

In any case, neither Free Pascal nor Delphi support OpenMP right now, but 
Delphi does support futures and parallel loops using the OmniThreadLibrary, 
which requires anonymous methods.  Getting anonymous methods into Free Pascal 
is a much more manageable short term goal than waiting for OpenMP support to be 
specified, implemented, and debugged.

Craig Peterson
Scooter Software
fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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