Gour wrote:
I’m new to FPC and researching about different GUI options available towrite 
open-source multi-platform desktop app using FPC…
Based on what I’ve found there are mainly three options:
a) Lazarus and LCL
b) fpGUI
c) MSEgui
Afaict, a) support all three main OS-es - Linux, Mac & Windows byproviding 
native look’n’feel although, iirc, Cocoa supprt for Mac is notfinished yet.
MSEgui works on Linux and Windows, while fpGUI works on all three OS-esbut on 
Mac support is done via X11 libs.
Now, let me say that Linux (Debian) is my native platform which I useand will 
develop on it, but would like to provide versions for Mac &Windows.
Does it automatically eliminates c) or there is plan to add support forMac?
Is b)’s support for Mac via X11 good-enough or is b) more suitable, as Iread 
somewhere, for embedded platforms?
What about learning curve of each one?
I probably do not need full power of GTK2(3) or Qt toolkit, but needsome 
database support - app would use sqlite3 as storage backend.
Another concern is that, afaics, both b) and c) are mostly one-manproject, 
while a) has much larger community behind.
Any advice is helpful?

The first option would be a pure Pascal one, driving either a graphical or a text-based (curses etc.) UI. However in practice I think you'll find that the majority in here who have any interest in GUI support use Lazarus.

I tend to use the FPC+Lazarus combination on (Debian) Linux targeting x86 (including -64), SPARC, PPC and sometimes ARM, MIPS is also getting there slowly. Sometimes also x86 Windows and SPARC Solaris, and other people regularly target OSX etc. There is a bit of a problem in that all of us tend to test the less popular combinations somewhat sporadically, and at present some of these really do require careful choice of compiler version and- if using Lazarus- widget set.

fpGUI and MSEgui definitely have their good points, they're lean and are only mean in self-defence :-)

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. telemetry.co .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]
fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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