
A couple of points.

1) As I explained there are times when I, and probably other people as
well, need to find the declaration of a function, constant, record, or some
other identifier. We may not know if the function even exists or has been
declared in Pascal, for example when attempting to use specific APIs
dependent on some external library. In those case my approach is often to
search (grep) files under either my lazarus or fpc folder. If there is some
better way please to find these identifiers, which are not in the help
systems, please let me know.

Continuing, when I do locate these files often they are in include files,
and it's at that point where the problem I described occurs. That is,
trying to locate what file is including the ".inc" file so that I can add
the necessary package and units to my project.

And ...

2) In your cursory look you mention I seemed to have only taken interest in
a Linux related part. Well the patch I've created deals with Ubuntu's new
Unity application indicators which prevent TTrayIcon from working. This is
a problem specific to Ubuntu Unity (a Linux distribution), so of course the
fix is going to be highly OS dependent.
fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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