On 11/03/17 18:00, tobiasgie...@gmail.com wrote:
I noticed there is no binary FPC 3.0.2 Linux release for SPARC. Should it be 
possible to compile it for SPARC, possibly using the older binary 2.6.2 release?
If yes, I am interested in buying a used UltraSPARC system. If it has a DVD-ROM 
and avideo board, it should be easy to install Linux on it, is that correct?
Cheers,Tobias Giesen

From the FPC side of things, I think that I tested 2.6.4 on SPARC but I can't remember how far I progressed into 2.6.4 or whether I touched 3.0 at all. I have no immediate (i.e. this weekend) plans to revisit the architecture, same applies to Solaris.

From the architecture side of things, Linux (which in practice means Debian) is in deep trouble on SPARC. The core problem is that for the last 10 years or so the kernel has been 64-bit with 32-bit "userland", but that is now unsupportable and there is frenzied activity from a very small number of developers trying to get the entire thing 64-bit. How FPC will behave on that is, of course, anybody's guess.

So quite frankly, you're likely to find that the last mostly-reliable Linux to run on SPARC is approximately Debian "Lenny", and you will also find that the age of the system libraries on that will gradually make supporting FPC on it a problem. You /might/ be able to start with Lenny and update to Squeeze or later, but my experience with Debian SPARC installation media post-Lenny was deeply frustrating.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad tidings. SPARC systems can be great fun, particularly in cold weather :-)

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. telemetry.co .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]
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