On 27/05/17 08:00, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
On Sat, 27 May 2017, Mr Bee via fpc-pascal wrote:
Hi,>> As Pascal mostly well known as a safe, easy to read, and elegant
language,> don't you think Pascal needs named parameter? I mean for
ALL kind of> parameters, not just for Variants. When you have a
function with many> parameters having default values, you know that
named parameter is> desirable. For example:>> function f(p1: string =
''; p2: integer = 0; p3: boolean = false);>> But you only need to
supply the third parameter, you still must supply the> first and
second ones with appropriate default values, like this:>> f('', 0,
true);>> while with named parameter, you can do this:>> f(p3 :=
true);>> I believe it would raise Pascal's code readability. I know it
has been> discussed before. I know somehow the parser had been able to
read such> syntax. So, why don't we have the option to enable it for
people who want> it? Kinda a syntax switch mode.>> What do you think? :)

Opinions on what constitutes readable code clearly differ :)
But as far as I know, the parser is not able to read this syntax ?

It would probably be possible to do it by using a record with nullable fields as the parameter.

Otherwise if you want that sort of thing use Smalltalk :-)

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. telemetry.co .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]
fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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