On 06/21/2017 08:05 PM, James Richters wrote:
Is there a more direct way of getting aggpas to send its output to ptcgraph?   
Currently I'm doing as in the demo programs and defining an array then using 
putimage() to transfer the array to ptcgraph... this is fairly slow, especially 
for fullscreen high resolution applications.   I'm trying to follow through 
some of the demos included with ptcpas and it seems they do something like:

{ lock surface pixels }
pixels := surface.lock;

Then using a pointer defined by pixels, the program makes changes to all the 
pixels, then

{ unlock surface }
{ copy surface to console }
  surface.copy(console, area, area);

send the changes to the screen.   I'm wondering if I can have aggpas work with 
the ptcgraph buffer directly, and maybe this would be more efficient than 

Any ideas?
It's more complicated than that, because ptcgraph does all these operations in a separate thread. See the sources for ptcgraph and for the ptcwrapper unit. However, putimage can be accelerated, although it would still have to do a memory copy. This can be done, by implementing and adding a PutImage procedure in the TModeInfo record, which is filled in, during initialization. See the QueryAdapterInfo function in the ptcgraph.pp. It does a series of:

with graphmode do

And inside the 'with' statement, various procedure variables are set. There, a PutImage routine can be added as well. Look at e.g. ptc_putpixelproc_16bpp to see how the surface is locked and how the actual drawing to the surface is done, inside ptcgraph.

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