On Sat, 26 Aug 2017, Sven Barth wrote:

Sorry for being naive. Why not simply use a boolean ?

I thought all this BOOL mess was just meant to be able to interface with C
libs slightly easier.

Instead of

If (SomeCfunction()<>0) then

it allows you to write - in appropriate cases - the following:

if (SomeCfunction()) then

I don't think we should promote BOOL and friends too much. They are a
convenience (which IMHO should not have been introduced in the first place).

Promoting them to first-class Pascal citizens is IMHO a bad idea.

Did you read the article that had been linked? That's an important point
that is raised in there.

I did read it.

I think the programmer *must* worry about the details and must definitely
NOT use the booleans for anything C related. That was my point.

Attempting to cater for C code using BOOL or whatever type is misplaced.
C does not have a boolean type.

The standard says for "if" :

"In both forms, the first substatement is executed if the expression compares 
unequal to 0."

Treat it as such.

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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