On 13/11/17 13:30, brian wrote:
I need to try to put a user-friendly GUI and some graphical outputonto an old 
command-line FORTRAN number cruncher, and have beenprovided with around 130 KB 
of FORTRAN source code. A quick scan ofdocumentation seems to suggest that this 
is possible using gfortranand the C calling conventions (if someone knows 
differently, pleasesay so right now!) :)
My knowledge of FORTRAN-77 is sound, if rather rusty, but I knowalmost nothing 
about C programming, having been brought up as achemist before I was dragged 
across to programming (I learned toprogram on Algol-60, BASIC and FORTRAN-IV, 
yes, that long ago ): ).
Anyone with any past experience here? It seems I have two choices, totry to 
call the FORTRAN subroutines from FreePascal or to port theFORTRAN code to 
Pascal, I'm looking for advice...

If the FORTRAN can be called from C as distinct from being able to call C subroutines, then I'd have thought that you'd be able to replace the main part of the program (that reads the data cards or whatever) with something written in Pascal. That would potentially allow you to put together a UI using Lazarus etc.

Granted that various companies have long had translators from FORTRAN to ALGOL (particularly in the case of B who I don't think had a native compiler) or other languages, but I'd have thought that a full translation would be best avoided if possible.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. telemetry.co .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]
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