On 18/11/17 16:45, Adriaan van Os wrote:
Bo Berglund wrote:
I would very much want to convert them into DLL:s programmed in Pascal> instead so they can be maintained for new Windows versions (and use 64> bit for example).
Well, you would have to do that by hand. And you need sufficient understanding of Fortran to know what you are doing. I am not aware of a Fortran to Pascal converter. But why do that if Fortran compilers are available ? And even if a Fortran compiler wouldn't exist, there is a Fortran to C converter, named f2c. See for example <http://www.netlib.org/clapack/readme.maintain>

I find myself wondering, in part due to conversations elsewhere: can the Lazarus IDE do anything at all sane with a FORTRAN routine called from Pascal?

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. telemetry.co .DOT. uk

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