Can someone put a simple guide to building on the wiki? I tried to build from 
my existing FPC sources and got this error. I never got UNIX down well so I 
don’t know what else I’m supposed to do besides cd to the directory and use the 
“make” command. Uploading a stable binary would be nice also but I’m on Mac so 
maybe only Ingemar has built this before.

Ryans-MacBook-Pro:pas2js ryanjoseph$ make
/usr/local/bin/ppc386 fpmake.pp -n -Fu../../rtl/units/i386-darwin 
-Fu../../packages/paszlib -Fu../../packages/fcl-process -Fu../../packages/hash 
-Fu../../packages/libtar -Fu../../packages/fpmkunit/units_bs/i386-darwin  
PPU Loading /Developer/ObjectivePascal/fpc/rtl/units/i386-darwin/system.ppu
PPU Invalid Version 196
Fatal: Can't find unit system used by fpmake
Fatal: Compilation aborted
make: *** [fpmake] Error 1

        Ryan Joseph

fpc-pascal maillist  -

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