On 03/06/18 16:30, denisgolovan wrote:
Having worked with APL for almost 6 years and continuing with Q/KDB, I would 
say APL syntax is much more readable than Perl 6.

Horses for courses. I think the impressive thing about APL is that the necessary operations were worked out (and used for Blackboard demonstrations) /before/ it was converted into a computer language, and by and large weren't added to. However the functional nature of the language was vastly overrused, and students who thought they were being smart would on occasion find themselves with mainframe runtimes of /months/ because they'd created an enormous array instead of using a simple control structure.

Nod here to Vector Pascal as well. And as a bit of history, the first computer implementation of Iverson's notation was done at Stanford under the watchful eye of Niklaus Wirth.

Though being able to modify language like that is really impressive.

I agree, which is the main reason I posted the link.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. telemetry.co .DOT. uk

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