On 07/06/18 10:45, Martok wrote:
What actually happens is that the memory is released back to the heap > (but *not* to 
the OS, at least on Linux), with the result that > concatenating elements will 
introduce a substantial hit particularly if > space for a new element allocated from 
the heap isn't contiguous.Writing a preallocating wrapper *where needed* for heavily 
grown arrays isfairly simple.
The thing is: it's rarely worth it ;-)I recently did that for a wavefront mesh 
loader that appends vertices one-by-oneto an array, and for a scene with some 
400k vertices, the difference was justsome milliseconds out of several seconds 
overall.Turns out the allocator usually finds a spot where the array doesn't 
need toactually be copied around for a while, and the pure bookkeeping of 
realloc isvery cheap.

The bit of code I was looking at was a mainframe emulator reading a tape to find the block positions, I was appending elements individually using a user-defined + and it wasn't exactly fast (resulting in a tape load time probably slower than the hardware would have had 60 years ago)... although obviously not as bad as Nitorami's suggestion that every concatenation would result in a syscall.

I'd been expecting that SetLength() would do the same as it does with a string, i.e. prune the valid range without releasing memory.

What I've done so far is only interim code and I've got lots of ways round it, but the reality check was useful :-)

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. telemetry.co .DOT. uk

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