Thanks for the gersavefilenamea idea, I have used windows API function calls before in my Windows Console programs, so I thought I would try to get getsavefilenamea or ifilesavedialog to work in my console program. So I thought I would start small and get message boxes to work on my console program, this was actually pretty easy, I just added the windows unit to my program and then changed my writeln's to windows.messagebox(0,pchar(TapFileName+' Not Found'),pchar('Error'),MB_OK);
And poof I get a message box when I encounter the error, and the program waits until I hit OK to continue. Neat! So it's looking promising, that perhaps I can just keep it a console program that launches the save-as dialog somehow when needed. This idea appeals to me for several reasons, first, I need to write the status of things somewhere, it's easy to just have a writeln in a console application, but in a windows application, I have no idea how I would make some kind of text box to display this information. Also, I want this program to start executing immediately, and if no user intervention is needed, I want it to launch, perform all tasks, and exit. I just don't have anything to put on a form because the intent is that the user would only interact with this program if it encountered an error, or if the user needed to specify the output file name. So my question is, how can I use Ifilesavedialog with just FreePascal in a console application? I tried just accessing it the same as I did messagebox, but I just get an error stating the function is not found. It seems like I ran across this before, I wanted to use a Windows API function that was not included in the windows unit and I was somehow able to add access to it on my own, but I just can't recall now what function that was, or what program I was working on that needed it, or how it was accomplished. Perhaps it is in the windows unit, or another unit, but I'm just not calling it correctly. Current version of my program that uses message boxes for errors is below. James Program JobsList; Uses CRT,Classes,Sysutils,windows; Var TapFileRemainder,TapFileHeader,TapFileJobsList : tstrings; TapFileName,TapFileData,OutputTapFileName : AnsiString; TapFile : Text; TapFileHeaderActive : Boolean; StringCount : LongInt; Begin If ParamStr(1)<>'' Then Begin TapFileName:=ParamStr(1); If FileExists(TapFileName) Then Begin TapFileHeaderActive:=True; Assign(TapFile,TapFileName); Reset(TapFile); TapfileHeader:=TStringlist.Create; TapfileJobsList:=TStringlist.Create; TapfileRemainder:=TStringlist.Create; While not(EOF(TapFile)) do Begin Readln(Tapfile,TapFileData); If TapfileHeaderActive then Begin If TapFileData='Call [Subroutines]' Then Begin Writeln('Subroutine Section Found'); TapFileHeaderActive:=False End Else If Copy(TapFileData,1,15)='Tap File Name =' Then Begin OutputTapFileName:=Copy(TapFileData,16,Length(TapFileData)-15); Writeln('Saving to: '+OutputTapFileName); End Else TapfileHeader.Add(TapFileData) End Else Begin If Copy(TapFileData,1,6)='[Job #' Then Begin Writeln(TapFileData); TapFileJobsList.Add('Call '+TapFileData); End; TapfileRemainder.Add(TapFileData) End; End; Close(TapFile); If OutputTapFileName='' Then Begin {Do something to get filename from windows Save-As dialog} {OutputTapFileName:= Whatever-was-received-by-Windows-Save-As-dialog;} End; If OutputTapFileName<>'' Then Begin Writeln('Writing ',TapFileHeader.count+TapFileJobsList.count+TapFileRemainder.count,' Lines to: '+OutputTapFileName); Assign(TapFile,OutputTapFileName); ReWrite(TapFile); If TapFileHeader.count > 1 then For StringCount:=0 to TapFileHeader.count-1 do Writeln(TapFile,TapFileHeader[StringCount]); If TapFileJobsList.count > 1 then For StringCount:=0 to TapFileJobsList.count-1 do Writeln(TapFile,TapFileJobsList[StringCount]); If TapFileRemainder.count > 1 then For StringCount:=0 to TapFileRemainder.count-1 do Writeln(TapFile,TapFileRemainder[StringCount]); Close(TapFile); End Else Begin windows.messagebox(0,pchar('No Output Tap File Specified in Program'),pchar('Error'),MB_OK); End; TapFileHeader.Free; TapFileJobsList.Free; TapFileRemainder.Free; End Else Begin windows.messagebox(0,pchar(TapFileName+' Not Found'),pchar('Error'),MB_OK); End; End Else Begin windows.messagebox(0,pchar('No File Name Specified'),pchar('Error'),MB_OK); End; End.
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