Thank you!  I somehow missed the result of the function being the status I was 
looking for.   I guess the answer was so easy I couldn't see it 😊 
-----Original Message-----
From: fpc-pascal <> On Behalf Of 
Alexander Grotewohl
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2018 11:10 AM
Subject: Re: [fpc-pascal] Windows programming tutorials for FPC

This line:


What does it write when you select a file vs when you click x/cancel?

On 11/12/2018 4:31 AM, James wrote:
> I've been using the example below to use the Save-as dialog in my console 
> program, and it works great, but I would like to be able to detect if the 
> user pushes either the red X or the cancel button in the dialog.   I am 
> supplying a suggested default name, and what's happening is if the user 
> cancels or hits the red X, it just saves the file using the suggested default 
> name, but the correct behavior would be to not save anything.   I'm not sure 
> how this is normally done with GetSaveFileNameA.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: fpc-pascal <> On Behalf 
> Of Alexander Grotewohl
> Sent: Sunday, November 4, 2018 11:48 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [fpc-pascal] Windows programming tutorials for FPC
> Program TestGetSaveFileNameA;
> Uses windows, commdlg;
> Var
>      TFilename                                      : TOpenFileNameA;
>      ret: array[0..100] of char;
> Begin
>      Writeln('Start');
>      fillchar(TFileName, sizeof(TFileName), 0);
>      TFileName.lStructSize:=sizeof(TFileName);
>      TFileName.hwndOwner:=0;
>      TFileName.lpstrFile:=ret;
>      TFileName.lpstrFile[0]:=#0;
>      TFileName.lpstrFilter:='Text Files (*.txt)'+#0+'*.txt'+#0;
>      TFileName.nMaxFile:=100;
>      TFileName.lpstrDefExt:='txt';
>      Writeln(GetSaveFileNameA(@TFilename));
>      Writeln('Finished with '+strpas(TFileName.lpstrFile));
>      Readln;
> End.
> On 11/4/2018 11:21 AM, James wrote:
>> This is very interesting, thank you for the code on how to define the 
>> GetSaveFileNameA function.  I wrote a sample program to get it to work, but 
>> I think I have some syntax wrong, or maybe I'm not initializing something 
>> correctly.   It compiles ok, but it doesn't execute even my writeln's, I 
>> just get an exit code = 1
>> James
>> Program TestGetSaveFileNameA;
>> Uses CRT,Classes,Sysutils,windows;
>> Type
>>      TOpenFileNameAHookProc = function(Wnd: HWND; Msg: UINT; wParam:
>> lParam: LPARAM): UINT stdcall;
>>      TOpenFileNameA = Packed Record
>>              lStructSize: DWord;
>>              hWndOwner: HWND;
>>              hInstance: HINST;
>>              lpstrFilter: PChar;
>>              lpstrCustomFilter: PChar;
>>              nMaxCustFilter: DWord;
>>              nFilterIndex: DWord;
>>              lpstrFile: PChar;
>>              nMaxFile: DWord;
>>              lpstrFileTitle: PChar;
>>              nMaxFileTitle: DWord;
>>              lpstrInitialDir: PChar;
>>              lpstrTitle: PChar;
>>              Flags: DWord;
>>              nFileOffset: Word;
>>              nFileExtension: Word;
>>              lpstrDefExt: PChar;
>>              lCustData: LPARAM;
>>              lpfnHook: TOpenFileNameAHookProc;
>>              lpTemplateName: PChar;
>>              lpEditInfo: Pointer;            // Undocumented?
>>              lpstrPrompt: PChar;
>>              _Reserved1: Pointer;
>>              _Reserved2: DWord;
>>              FlagsEx: DWord;
>>      End;
>>      POpenFileNameA = ^TOpenFileNameA;
>> Function GetSaveFileNameA(arg: POpenFileNameA): windows.bool; 
>> stdcall; external 'comdlg32' name 'GetSaveFileNameA';
>> Var
>>      TFilename                                      : TOpenFileNameA;
>>      PFilename                                      : POpenFileNameA;
>> Begin
>>      Writeln('Start');
>>      TFilename.lpstrInitialDir:=Pchar('I:\');
>>      Pfilename:=@Tfilename;
>>      Writeln(GetSaveFileNameA(PFilename));
>>      Writeln('Finished');
>>      Readln;
>> End.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: fpc-pascal <> On Behalf 
>> Of Ewald
>> Sent: Sunday, November 4, 2018 8:06 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [fpc-pascal] Windows programming tutorials for FPC
>> On 11/03/2018 09:04 PM, James wrote:
>>> So my question is, how can I use Ifilesavedialog with just 
>>> FreePascal in a console application?
>> First off, the IFileSaveDialog is an interface, not a simple function.
>> So, you'll need to:
>>      - Include the right units from freepascal (ActiveX and comobj
>>              IIRC)
>>      - Initialize and finalize the COM subsystem (see CoInitialize
>>              and CoUninitialize)
>>      - Use the CoCreateInstance to instantiate an IFileSaveDialog,
>>              etc.. I've never used the IFileSaveDialog myself, so have a
>>              look at
>> =
>> vs.85%29.aspx#usage
>> That's the nice thing about the GetSaveFileNameA function: one call, 
>> and you're done :-)
>> Now, if this function is not defined in the windows unit (which could 
>> be the case), you can either look into some other units or simply 
>> define it
>> yourself:
>> === code begin ===
>> Type
>>      TOpenFileNameAHookProc = function(Wnd: HWND; Msg: UINT; wParam:
>> lParam: LPARAM): UINT stdcall;
>>      TOpenFileNameA = Packed Record
>>              lStructSize: DWord;
>>              hWndOwner: HWND;
>>              hInstance: HINST;
>>              lpstrFilter: PChar;
>>              lpstrCustomFilter: PChar;
>>              nMaxCustFilter: DWord;
>>              nFilterIndex: DWord;
>>              lpstrFile: PChar;
>>              nMaxFile: DWord;
>>              lpstrFileTitle: PChar;
>>              nMaxFileTitle: DWord;
>>              lpstrInitialDir: PChar;
>>              lpstrTitle: PChar;
>>              Flags: DWord;
>>              nFileOffset: Word;
>>              nFileExtension: Word;
>>              lpstrDefExt: PChar;
>>              lCustData: LPARAM;
>>              lpfnHook: TOpenFileNameAHookProc;
>>              lpTemplateName: PChar;
>>              lpEditInfo: Pointer;            // Undocumented?
>>              lpstrPrompt: PChar;
>>              _Reserved1: Pointer;
>>              _Reserved2: DWord;
>>              FlagsEx: DWord;
>>      End;
>>      POpenFileNameA = ^TOpenFileNameA;
>> Function GetSaveFileNameA(arg: POpenFileNameA): windows.bool; 
>> stdcall; external 'comdlg32' name 'GetSaveFileNameA'; === code end 
>> ===
>> --
>> Ewald
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