Is there way how to get correct PDF file WITHOUT embedding full Courier font?

You can embed only the needed characters for every font ?
Probably yes, but fpPDF will not handle this automatically? AFAIK I can not control this.

But why I get unreadable characters? What I am doing wrong ?

It seems that there is problem specific to CourierNew font (cour.ttf).
With Arial (arial.ttf) it works as expected.

Attached program which demonstrates problem.

Reported as bug
(probably there is problem in parsing Courier New TTF font?)

I am not sure this is the reason.

I suspect that the Arial font has unicode glyphs, and courier not.

I do not know, but with other fonts: Arial, Verdana, Consolas it works as expected. Do you think, that Courier New is only exception?

When I look at I do not see there something special compared to other fonts ...

But my knowledge about font structures (and also about PDF internals) is minimal ...

Because how is the PDF generator supposed to know that it should transcode your text to latin 2 ?

I do not know if it is necesssary.

I have used FPDF port of PHP PDF library, which I have rewritten to pascal and there I can use "Courier New" font.
(in both ways as embedded and also when not embedded)

Probably FPDF handles PDF generation bit differently, but when I write into file any text in code page CP1250 and I embedd Courier New font (generated in advance by using makefont.php utility) then I get correct result.

So my raw guess was that it must be doable also using fcl-pdf somehow?


fpc-pascal maillist  -

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