While doing some work on bug 37060, the refactoring of StrToHostAddr and StrToHostAddr6 in the sockets unit,(https://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=37060), I found that StrToHostAddr is doing no validation at all on input address characters before calling the function Val, so any Pascal notation that Val accepts, such as 0x and $ for hexadecimal, % for binary, & for octal, and mathematical signs are all accepted in ipv4 octets.


As a consequence, StrToHostAddr will happily parse addresses like these:


Any number in any notation will be accepted as long as byte overflow isn't triggered. Thus, + in octets is accepted, but - is not, because the function detects that the octet is negative which then triggers overflow.

Fixing this is outside the scope of the patch I'm preparing for 37060, but if no-one else feels inclined to look into this by the time I'm finished with that patch then I'll submit a new patch for it.

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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