Am 16.02.2021 um 19:53 schrieb Ryan Joseph via fpc-pascal:

On Feb 16, 2021, at 11:44 AM, Sven Barth <> wrote:

I wasn't saying anything that contradicts this, only that the original 
mechanism of the delegation will be available even with the default modifier 
and this mechanism will in fact be necessary to access them through RTTI.

Can you give an example of this syntax? I get errors like Interface "ICircle" cannot be 
delegated by "TMyShape", it already has method resolutions.

FPC currently does not yet support class types not to mention records and objects which is what I had mentioned earlier already.

It's a strange syntax compared to anything else we allow in classes and the boiler plate 
is really adding up now. "procedure Draw" is going to be in 4 lines now!

It would be nicer if they made this into one line so we don't have yet another 
set of duplicate method signatures, i.e.:

   procedure Draw as ICircle.Draw;

I can't shake the feeling that all you complain about is writing even a little bit too much. Pascal is *not* about using as less code as possible, but to be as correct as possible and the syntax of interface delegation allows exactly that.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

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