Am 28.11.2021 um 14:21 schrieb Ryan Joseph via fpc-pascal:

On Nov 28, 2021, at 7:01 PM, Sven Barth <> wrote:

Anything that relates to picking functions *must* be part of the overload 
handling. You can easily see this with your named argument proposal when not 
all arguments are named (and then the compiler also needs to check that unnamed 
parameters aren't used for named ones as well, this gets more complicated if 
the overloads have different argument names).

You should have already learned this lesson when I pointed you in the right 
direction for the implicit function specializations.

I'm not proposing we necessarily allow the reordering of arguments or allow 
omitting of values. In the simplest scenario they're just optional names but 
the parameters still need to be provided in the correct order. Very simply to 
make reading long functions easier at the call site.

If you don't allow to skip parameters then this feature can be considered absolutely useless. Who would voluntarily write more when many users already cry about Pascal being so verbose?

Yes I understand that the overloading happens after parsing. In your first 
example if arbitrary order was allowed new overloading rules would need to be 
applied so that you got an ambiguous function error. Not a big deal to resolve 
that I would think but it doesn't have to go in that direction either.

Personally I'm not in favor or changing the overloading rules, just that some 
calls were easier to read by glancing over them. In fact I have seen IDEs which 
have a feature which inserts the param name into the editor for this very 

You still don't get it. This is not about "changing the overloading rules" but about this feature fitting into the existing overload selection functionality.

Take the following example:

=== code begin ===

procedure Test(aArg1: String; aArg2: LongInt = 42; aArg3: String = '');
procedure Test(aArg1: LongInt; aArg2: String = '');

// somewhere else
Test('Foobar', aArg3 := 'Hello World');

=== code end ===

Now when the compiler encounters the symbol "Test" it roughly plays out like this:

1. Detect that "Test" is a procsym
2. Collect all suitable overloads
3. for each overload iterate all provided parameters
  1. is it a named parameter?
    1. does the name match a named parameter after the last unnamed or named one?
      1. no -> not a suitable overload
      2. yes -> retrieve default value of parameters between last one and this one and use this parameter value (and make sure that the value is suitable for the parameter type)     2. name matches an existing previous parameter? -> not a suitable overload     3. duplicate name? -> report error about duplicate parameter use (could maybe be done while parsing already)
    4. name does not match any parameter? -> not a suitable overload
  2. parameter value suitable for the parameter? (essentially existing overload checks) 4. if no suitable overload was found then report found overloads and error out 5. if multiple suitable overloads were found then reprot found suitable overloads and error out

This is of course a simplification, but you can easily see that it needs to fit snuggly into the overload selection code provided by tcallcandidates, because it needs to handle cases with mixed named and unnamed parameters.

As an aside, is it even useful to allow arbitrary parameter order? I don't 
recall ever wanting this and would open the door to some functions being called 
in different order across a codebase, which sounds like a big problem unto 
itself (C# allows this btw).

You provided that as a possible suggestion, so I went with it to humor you.

Additional drawback of named arguments: refactoring a routine's parameter names would also mean that ore can have problems with backwards compatibility if one decides to rename a parameter (because it turned out to be badly named), cause this would lead to compile time errors once the parameter name of the declaration is changed, but not at the call sites (and now imagine one of us changing a parameter name in some important RTL function and users using that in their code).

I don't care that other programming languages think of this as a nice feature, *I* don't.

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