Am 15.09.2022 um 15:30 schrieb Hairy Pixels:

On Sep 15, 2022, at 12:28 PM, Sven Barth <> wrote:

As mentioned elsewhere function references are in fact interfaces. And you 
can't retrieve a method pointer to a interface function, cause relying on that 
would result in either memory leaks or premature release of the interface, 
because TMethod only contains a Pointer for the Data field that does not 
support managed types.

You can get a reference to the raw interface by doing this however:

=== code begin ===

   proc: reference to procedure;
   i: IUnknown;
    i := IUnknown(PPointer(@proc)^);

=== code end ===

Though I don't know what you hope to achieve with this...
Ok so what’s happening is I had a deferred dispatch library that used many 
different callback types and now I want to unify it using references. Problem 
is, with the old design I used “of object” types so I was able to get the 
target class and use it do to things like cancel all actions that were 
associated with a particular class.

Unless you inherit from a function reference as mentioned by Ondrej then all you would get is object instance the compiler constructs implicitely so it wouldn't be much use to you anyway.

I don’t understand how memory loss could be in play. If the function reference 
is stored and not freed it should have the information needed to invoke a 
method and in theory you should be able to retrieve it anytime, providing the 
interface had a public method for this (which would be a nice extension to 
add). How is that not correct?

And that's the thing: you need to keep the function reference itself around. Or increase the reference count of the interface. In both cases you need to make sure that you clear it up correctly. Otherwise you'll have a memory leak. And if you don't do all that then the function reference will go out of scope and be released.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

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