Michael Van Canneyt via fpc-pascal wrote:

$M controls the inclusion of RTTI, i.e. it allows or disallows the use of the published section.
No more, no less.

I don't see any use in allowing or disallowing something. And with the current design, it is, as I said, impossible, without macros, to compile the same code with {$M+} and {$M-}.

It has no impact on the other visibilities whatsoever. And that will not change, if only for Delphi compatibility.

Adding a visibility specifier "visible" meaning "published" with {$M+} and "public" with {$M-} doesn't degrade Delphi compatibility. Anyway, I did that now for my source code with macros, but it's clumsy.

If this is not acceptable, then you will need to wait for the extended RTTI or use fcl-passrc to solve your need.

I tried fcl-passrc but it didn't produce anything but crashes. I much welcome 
the extended RTTI.

Keep up the good work.


Adriaan van Os

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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