Another use of UNIV is type-compatibility of procedural parameters. For example 

 function BinaryFind
        (     theValuePtr             : univ UnivPtr;
              theFirstIndex           : Int32;
              theLastIndex           : Int32;
     function SmallerThan
        (     theIndex                : Int32;
              theValuePtr             : univ UnivPtr): boolean;
     function EqualTo
        (     theIndex                : Int32;
              theValuePtr             : univ UnivPtr): boolean;
          var theFoundIndex           : Int32): boolean;

But this kind of procedural parameter doesn't seem to be included in the rule for <parameter-declaration>. it is allowed in macpas and iso modes.

ISO-7185 Pascal has

        formal-parameter-list = "(" formal-parameter-section { ";" 
formal-parameter-section } ")" .
formal-parameter-section = value-parameter-specification | variable-parameter-specification | procedural-parameter-specification | functional-parameter-specification | conformant-array-parameter-specification .
        functional-parameter-specification = function-heading .
        procedural-parameter-specification = procedure-heading .


Adriaan van Os

fpc-pascal maillist  -

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