On Tue, 2 Jan 2024 00:02:35 +0100 (CET)
Michael Van Canneyt via fpc-pascal <fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org> wrote:

> On Mon, 1 Jan 2024, Pique7 via fpc-pascal wrote:
> > Hello everyone,
> >
> > I have already asked this and related questions in the Lazarus Forum.
> >
> > I want to improve FPReport in order to use it for my project - if possible.
> > Some features are missing for this, e.g. automatic splitting of text across 
> > two or more pages.
> >
> > As far as I can judge, the current development status of FPReport does not 
> > really allow me to extend it without modifying the original classes.
> Why do you think so ?

Thanks for your reply. I am not sure whether I have defined the problem 
correctly from my point of view.
I have tried both FPReport and LazReport. LazReport is able to create page 
breaks within a band automatically (though not always correctly calculated). 
This is traceable by viewing the source code of LazReport. I haven't found 
anything similar in the source code of FPReport and thus considered to 
implement it myself. But I haven't found a straightforward solution.

> > What approach do you suggest? Would this be feasible/reasonable at all? I 
> > ask this because I am new to Lazarus and FPC. I come from Delphi 2007 ...
> If you ask me, it's perfectly doable without any changes.
> There is a demo that shows how to print a text by splitting it in lines, and
> simply printing a band per line. That will have the same effect as what you
> seem to need.  Basically, it means using a TStringList as a data source
> for a (sub)band instead of using it as the text of a single memo.

Unfortunately I couldn't find the demo program you mention. I know the fcl 
demos in "source\packages\fcl-report\demos". Admittedly I haven't examined 
every single unit yet. Most of the demo reports get the data from a 
TStringList. Is it this what is meant?

> What you may need to do is to split the text "correctly" over the lines of the
> TStringList, but that should be easily doable. All you need is a function to
> calculate the length of the text.
> I think this is perfectly doable without any changes to the original code.

Okay, probably you're right and I think I understand the basic idea but I still 
don't know how to transfer it to my case. I have a table with several columns 
containing multiline text. The data comes from a TDataSet descendent. If one 
the cells (Memo) content is to large to fit on the current page, the whole band 
should be split at the correct position and continued on the next page, e.g.:

    [PAGE 1 - DATABAND 1 (bottom of page)]
    COL 1-1      COL 2-1
    COL 1-2      COL 2-2
    COL 1-3      COL 2-3

    [PAGE 2 - DATABAND 1 (continued)]
    COL 1-4      COL 2-4
    COL 1-5

I also have one report with one column containing richtext (RTF). I doubt that 
the TStringList solution will be helpful in this case.

So in a nutshell, I think I need a function like "Continue (data) band on the 
next page if remaining space is insufficient".
If you still think your suggested approach is suitable, please let me know. 
Maybe it is obvious, but at the moment it seems that I don't make any progress.

> Michael.
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