On Mon, 8 Jan 2024 22:08:16 +0100 (CET)
Michael Van Canneyt via fpc-pascal <fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org> wrote:

> On Mon, 8 Jan 2024, Pique7 via fpc-pascal wrote:
> >> Disregarding the RTF for a moment, you'd need to save the contents of the
> >> text fields in a TStringlist instance in the 'afterscroll' event of the 
> >> dataset.
> >>
> >> This instance can then be used to create a data loop for a sub band
> >> (using TFPReportUserData).
> >> The band connected to the dataset (the master band) would not print 
> >> anything.
> >> Instead, the child band will print the cell content line by line and split 
> >> it over pages.
> >>
> >> From your drawing, it is not quite clear how you construct your columns,
> >> if you're using columns, I'm not sure how the band will behave.
> >>
> >> Michael.
> >
> > Thanks again for your suggestions. I haven't tried it yet but now I've got 
> > the idea. Your are so optimistic but I still fear all the things which 
> > might make troubles in a more complex report with grouping, master/detail 
> > data, calculations, layout adjustments, HTML tags, table borders etc.
> >
> > However, finally I've tried to extend/improve the original FPReport classes 
> > and now I really have a FPReport version that supports band splitting for 
> > simple FPReportMemos.
> > I was not able to implement this using inheritance - I've had to change the 
> > original source code in the FPC folder.
> > Without any doubt there are still many bugs in my FPReport. But if you want 
> > a copy, let me know! :-)
> I am always open for improvements.
> Please do send me your sources or a diff...

I have sent an email direct to your email address, or rather, two emails 
(corrected version).

> Michael.
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