> I have a book with 17 chapters. Every time I open the 
> chapters in it, for six of the chapters I get a message that 
> there are unresolved cross-references. There are six other 
> chapters with cross-references that do not generate this message.
> Each time, I search for the unresolved cross-references 
> (every cross- reference in each of these chapters), 
> double-click on each, replace it with the one in the 
> cross-reference dialog box, and save the file. 
> Then I save all the files in the book and save and close the 
> book. The next time I open the book, the same 
> cross-references are unresolved again.

It's possible that the problem lies with the destination files, not the
files containing the xrefs. 
To check or update an xref, FM must "silently" (in the background,
without you noticing) open the file that the xref points to. If that
file has a problem like a missing font or graphic, FM can't open the
file silently, so it can't check the xref's destination ("resolve" it).
Once you open the file, responding to the dialog about missing fonts or
whatever, the xref is no longer unresolved. 

Try this: From the book file, hold down the Shift key and click File >
Open All Files in Book. If I'm on the right track, you'll be prompted
about missing fonts or something before some of the files open. Once
they're all open, a search for unresolved xrefs won't find any. 


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom


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