On Wed, 21 Nov 2007 10:21:07 +0200, "Menahem Rosen" 

>I have been told that callouts created in Frame do not appear when
>generating on-line Help, and that they should be embedded in the
>graphic. (I heard this from someone who uses Mif2Go to generate Help.)
>It seems strange to me that this should be the case. What do the experts

We're the developers of Mif2Go.  There are two ways to get images
from Frame into the Help: use Frame's export filters, or convert
externally and replace.  In the first case, you *do* get all Frame
graphic elements, including callouts.  However, the resolution is
limited to the screen's 96 DPI, so the result may not look too good
when printed (viewed, it's fine).  The second method allows you to
retain the full original resolution, but it loses the Frame graphic

That's the case for HTML-based Help.  For WinHelp and Word, we use
a third method, and make a WMF graphic ourselves, which retains both
the original resolution *and* the Frame graphic elements.  As SVG
gets more usable, we intend to implement a similar method for *ML,
but we don't do that yet.


-- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.
  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  http://www.omsys.com/

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