Stuart Rogers wrote:
> Graeme R Forbes wrote:
> > I have a proof consisting in a sequence of lines across a 
> page, each a 
> > paragraph, and  each line separated from the next by a shallow 
> > anchored frame that contains a separator line. Each 
> line/para is set 
> > to keep with the next one since the whole proof must display on the 
> > same page. However, in order to get one of the lines to fit 
> across the 
> > page, I had to use a soft return, and FM allows the proof to break 
> > across the page at the soft return. Is there some way of preventing 
> > this while retaining the soft return, or will I have to use two 
> > paragraphs?
> > 
> Chiming in late here, but did you ever get a resolution to this?
> I don't fully understand how inserting a soft return caused a 
> single line to fit across the page -- surely that must have 
> resulted in two lines??

I don't understand that either, or the separator lines. But more
fundamentally, if FM is putting in a page break, it's because the entire
proof (all the "keep with next" paragraphs plus whatever follows the
last) *won't fit on one page*. Nothing you do with Keep With and
Widow/Orphan settings will change that. 

If you want to avoid a page break, change the pgfs' space above/below,
the line spacing, the anchored frame -- or, heck, change the height of
the text frame. IOW, do something to make it all fit on one page, and FM
won't try to break it across pages. 


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom


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