Art Campbell wrote: 
> The accepted way to do this was to import Visio files as OLE objects,
> however OLE didn't always work reliably, especially if you were doing
> several files. Just lately, after installing XP SP3, even that limited
> method quit working for me and several others who have reported
> problems.
> If I were you, I'd print to a PDF from Visio or SaveAs a graphic
> format from Visio and import the resulting file as a referenced file.

I think if you check the archives, you'll find as much or more criticism
of using OLE as acceptance. 

As for saving Visio drawings in a graphic format, the problem in the
past has been that most of Visio's export filters (including WMF and
EPS) weren't very good (I don't know if that's changed in Visio 2007).
Also, many people unwisely save those nice scalable vector graphics in a
raster (bitmap) format like PNG.

I've been using a Visio > PDF > FM process for some time and strongly
recommend it. If you have a recent full version of Acrobat (6-8, I
believe) and it was installed after Visio (2000-2007, I believe), you'll
have PDFMaker available in Visio, just like in Word, and making PDFs is
a one-click procedure. Multi-page Visio files turn into multi-page PDFs.

In FM, import the PDF by reference (select the page you want, if
necessary). When you edit the Visio file, just click the PDF button, and
let the path/name default to the one you used the last time you did
this. The next time you open the FM doc, you'll see the new version. 


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom


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