Version: FM9 (9.0p237)
OS: XP Pro with SP3
FM Experience: 11 months
Tech Comm Experience: 15 years
Trans/Localization Experience: 10 years
Writing Team: 1 (me)

We translate our manuals and I am constantly trying to find ways to trim 
translation costs (depending on the language and frequency of translation 
updates, it runs from $5,000 to $11,000 to translate a manual). As we are a 
Medical Device company, translation is mandated so it's something we just have 
live with.

In various List threads, I've read about using Frame's file comparison ability 
to determine changes from one release to the next. As a Frame newbie, I 
wondered if anyone could give me more information about this feature? Can it be 
used to mitigate the amount of translation sent to the Language Service 
Provider (LSP) and if it can, how do I do this?

FYI: My current procedure is to send the LSP all the relevant native Frame (and 
Visio) files. I let them handle the MIF conversion (as I don't pay a project 
management fee, I let them work for their money. Besides, I have never worked 
with MIF files - but there is a first time for everything).

Budget is always an issue, so if I need to buy any other tools to make this 
feasible, I would have to present an ROI case (even for something that only 
cost $100). But if there is a way to send a smaller amount of text and then put 
the files back together without a hassle once they were completed, I know I 
could swing the purchase of new tools.

Any help would appreciated,


Alison Craig, Technical Writer
Ultrasonix Medical Corporation
Tel: (604) 279-8550, ext 127


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