Cal Callahan wrote:

> Hmmm. Thanks, Mike. I will definitely check out those possibilities, 
> especially 
> since, whenever I print fron FM (or try to print to pdF), I get a notice that 
> "Your font information has changed." The file still prints fine from FM, but 
> maybe that's a clue to one of the situations you mention.
This message has nothing to do with the problem you describe. You will get this 
message whenever you change to a different printer driver because FrameMaker 
relies on the Windows printer driver to provide it with the "font metrics"--the 
precise dimensions of each glyph in your document. In all versions of 
FrameMaker from 8.0 onward, the default printer driver is the "Adobe PDF" 
virtual printer, on the valid assumption that most users will want to produce a 
PDF file as their primary deliverable output. If you print a hard copy directly 
(rather than producing a PDF and printing *that* file), you will necessarily 
change to a different printer driver, and FrameMaker will warn you that the 
font information has changed. 
I can hear you wondering why in the world a minor change in font metric 
information matters to you. It matters because the subtle difference in 
dimensions of individual glyphs can add up to enough of a difference to make 
certain lines of text to break one word earlier or later, or to cause a line 
break inside a table. The change in line breaks can potentially make the 
paragraph a line longer (or shorter), and that can make the page breaks change, 
and that can make the page count and the page numbers in the TOC and index be 
FrameMaker is not alone in being affected this way. Most other word processors 
(including MS Word) are affected in exactly the same way. The difference is 
that other tools don't bother to warn you that anything changed. Word has 
always been notorious for having instabilities in its pagination, and at least 
some of that behavior is attributable to printer driver changes.
-Fred Ridder                                      

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