The positive side of my problem is that I'm getting some really good info.
Your input, Fred, is illuminating and explains a previously inexplicable
behavior of Word I've noticed on occasion.

On Sun, Aug 14, 2011 at 5:30 PM, Fred Ridder <> wrote:

>  Cal Callahan wrote:
>  > Hmmm. Thanks, Mike. I will definitely check out those possibilities,
> especially
> > since, whenever I print fron FM (or try to print to pdF), I get a notice
> that
> > "Your font information has changed." The file still prints fine from FM,
> but
> > maybe that's a clue to one of the situations you mention.
> This message has nothing to do with the problem you describe. You will get
> this message whenever you change to a different printer driver because
> FrameMaker relies on the Windows printer driver to provide it with the "font
> metrics"--the precise dimensions of each glyph in your document. In all
> versions of FrameMaker from 8.0 onward, the default printer driver is the
> "Adobe PDF" virtual printer, on the valid assumption that most users will
> want to produce a PDF file as their primary deliverable output. If you print
> a hard copy directly (rather than producing a PDF and printing *that* file),
> you will necessarily change to a different printer driver, and FrameMaker
> will warn you that the font information has changed.
> I can hear you wondering why in the world a minor change in font metric
> information matters to you. It matters because the subtle difference in
> dimensions of individual glyphs can add up to enough of a difference to make
> certain lines of text to break one word earlier or later, or to cause a line
> break inside a table. The change in line breaks can potentially make the
> paragraph a line longer (or shorter), and that can make the page breaks
> change, and that can make the page count and the page numbers in the TOC and
> index be wrong.
> FrameMaker is not alone in being affected this way. Most other word
> processors (including MS Word) are affected in exactly the same way. The
> difference is that other tools don't bother to warn you that anything
> changed. Word has always been notorious for having instabilities in its
> pagination, and at least some of that behavior is attributable to printer
> driver changes.
> -Fred Ridder

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