What I object to is putting the burden and responsibility on the tech writer, 
rather than where it belongs...on the engineer. I've worked with very few 
engineers who wanted to improve their communication skills or who even cared. 
Richard, in your case, you were asked by people who were motivated to learn, 
and that's great; however, your experiences do not reflect mine. Most engineers 
I've worked with just want to do what they are told to do; they don't want to 
discuss it or describe it.

IMHO, this requirement is setting the tech writer up for failure. Just because 
the company wants the engineers to communicate more effectively, it doesn't 
mean that the engineers want to, are motivated to, or would willingly cooperate 
with such "coaching".


>From: "Combs, Richard" <richard.co...@polycom.com>
>To: Writer <generic...@yahoo.ca>; framers <framers@lists.frameusers.com>
>Sent: Thursday, October 6, 2011 6:52:17 PM
>Subject: RE: Scary responsibility in job ad
>Writer wrote:
>> A local company listed this as one of the responsibilities in a job ad
>> for a technical writer:
>> "coach engineers to improve their writing skills"
>> It makes me laugh and cringe in equal measures.
>I'm really surprised at the overwhelmingly negative reaction to this ad. 
>Coaching engineers is cited as just one of the responsibilities; without 
>seeing what the others are, I have no opinion of the ad as a whole, but this 
>specific responsibility certainly doesn't make me laugh, cringe, fear for my 
>future, or get defensive about my profession. 
>I'm asked (yes, often by engineers) language/grammar/writing questions fairly 
>frequently, and in the past when things weren't so busy, I did the occasional 
>short presentation on some language/writing issue at the end of a team 
>meeting. These were well received, and I often got follow-up questions. 
>The engineers I know are intelligent people who understand the value of 
>communicating clearly. They want to improve their writing skills in order to 
>communicate more effectively with each other, managers, and other departments 
>(sales, support, etc.), as well as with me. 
>IMHO, sharing what I know with people who see the value of learning it makes 
>me more valuable. And it's rewarding for me, not cringe-inducing. 
>Richard G. Combs
>Senior Technical Writer
>Polycom, Inc.

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