to all,

I am not exactly a newbie, been using FrameMaker since version 4. I am currently on version 8.

The program, working in a Windows XP environment, does everything I need it to do, with the exception of one irritation: It does not do automatic ligatures the way QuarkExpress and InDesign do. As one who is devoted to traditional typography, this is important to me, and the way I get around, is by using Expert font sets and manually replacing every fi and fl pairs with Upper case letters that then need to be assigned character styles.

In a 400 page book, this is a time consuming process that is liable for introducing silly misprints.

So the questions are these:

1. Does version 10 do automatic ligatures?

I don't seem to find an answer on the Frame web site and downloading a trial just to find this out is not a good ideas.

2. Is version 8 compatible with Windows XP?

This is important to me because I need to be able to run DOS programs for my business, and I do not wish to mess with DosBox emulators.

Thanks you for your assistance.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphée Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax:     614-846-9794


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