Stephen O'Brien wrote:
> I have a translator friend who translated some FM files using s demo
> version of FM 10 within the 30-day trial period. Some work has to be
> redone so he redownloaded a trial version of FM 10 (I am in no way
> condoning this practice) and has problems opening FM files, also
> messages about file locking...
> I just would like to know if this is due to using a second trial
> version on the same PC. If so, I will encourage him to buy the product.

Probably, but since you don't describe what kind of problems he's having or 
exactly what messages are displayed, it's hard to say. 

If the message "about file locking" says something like "This file was locked 
by <username> on <date-time>" and ask if you want to open read-only, open a 
copy, or reset the lock, then the file was closed without the *.lck file being 
deleted (typically happens when FM crashes). In that case, you just choose the 
"reset lock" option. 

If that message was something else, or there were other messages, you'll have 
to provide more detail. 

Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom


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