Preach it, sister! #1 thing our team HATE about Acrobat X: the Next/Previous comment buttons for PDF edits were taken away. Why, Adobe, why?!  It took considerable effort to convince our clients to shift from an all-Word workflow to a Frame + PDF markup workflow, then Adobe go and make that workflow substantially less efficient.  In a document with hundreds of comments, scrolling through them via the side scrollbar is a giant PITA: hard to control and prone to missing individual comments. No exaggeration, between this missing feature and the jumping around mentioned below, Acrobat X adds 20% to the time needed to work through a round of edits.  But the #2 thing that is disliked is the PlaySkool-size gray-on-gray-on-gray UI elements now afflicting all Adobe apps. Color is a great way to easily distinguish between tiny icons, especially for those of us with eyeballs that have passed the half-century mark. And the chunky, clunky font is neither attractive nor easy to read.  Loath though I am to praise anything emanating from Redmond, Word's interface is at present a lot better to work with.

Tori Muir | 650.430.8674

On 2/20/13 10:41 AM, Karen Robbins wrote:
Me too! I truly dislike the dark, drab, low-contrasty appearance of Frame and all the Adobe apps. Whatever happened to clarity, readability, contrast, and the ability to size UI text for improved accessibility? Even the best settings aren't good enough--it goes from really low contrast and poor readability to barely-tolerable contrast and still poor readability.

Another bad interface is recent Acrobat (Pro). UI elements are oversized, clunky, and take up far too much screen real estate! I hate having to click, click, click all over the place to reveal and hide stuff, and have the document jump around, resize, etc. while doing so. As bad on Mac as on PC, unfortunately.

(And don't get me started about Dreamweaver....)


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