At 02:55 -0600 13/12/13, Davis, David wrote:

>Not wanting to be contrary here, but why does the PDF have to be only 
>grayscale, just because it's going to be printed in black and white? Surely 
>the printer driver should be perfectly capable of making intelligent decisions 
>about converting the colours to grey.

Apparently not - I've tried it.

>(And, indeed, it will make better decisions than you can earlier in the chain, 
>cos it will know more about the output device).

Actually, for all the book's I've sent to press, I've known more or less 
nothing about the output device(S) - I just get a pre-press spec from the 
printers, which often takes the form of a Distiller jobspec file. However, I do 
know a range of things that must not be in the pre-press file, such as 
hairlines. And color ;-)

>I mean, for instance, any domestic or office printer in existence will happily 
>print in greyscale if you feed it a colour file (there's usually a checkbox 
>somewhere in the print dialog). I'm sure most of us do and see this every day. 
> I appreciate some things look better than others when neutered like this 
>(some hues of colour won't give very good contrast against each other in grey) 
>... but the remedy for that is more in choosing the colours in the first 
>place, not in some fancy 'conversion to greyscale' process. For instance I 
>can't think that green text on an orange background is ever going to be very 
>clear in greyscale, no matter what point in the chain you convert it.

Well I'm not going to argue with you, but I have a pre-press spec to work to, 
and it disallowed C, M and Y channel data.


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