
I cannot imagine why you think translation and the tools used to do it
should not be discussed here.  I have been answering questions about
localzation on this list for 14 years.  So many questions in fact, that I
eventually compiled the answers to them into a small book, and at the
request of the former listowner (Brad), made a presentation called
Localization and Framemaker at the 2000 Frame Users conference.  At least
500 people have either requested the book or downloaded it from the website.

Regarding the tools (and yes, there are more than just Trados,) the more a
writer knows about what happens to the files he or she creates, the better
job they can do to prepare them for translation.  While I would certainly
agree that the primary topic on this list is FM, I would not think that a
related topic to its use is OT on this list.



-----Original Message-----
From: framers-bounces+dgcaller=earthlink....@lists.frameusers.com
[mailto:framers-bounces+dgcaller=earthlink.net at lists.frameusers.com]On
Behalf Of Wim Hooghwinkel (Scriptware)
Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2006 2:02 AM
To: mathieu jacquet; lelks at exstream.com; framers at frameusers.com
Subject: RE: Framemaker and Translation

What is this, a Trados exposure? I think we should not discuss translation
tools (there are other lists). I have been working in the localization for
over 12 years now and it always comes down to the same: if the source files
are not set up properly, meaning 'designed' and formatted with
internationalization in mind, translation does not work out as expected and
can cost a ot of money and effort - whatever tool or translation company you

The other way round the same: once you have set up your documentation
properly, translation is no pain at all, whatever tool used. Complex
translation instruction kits as mentioned before won't be neccessary.

My advise: keep it simple, standardize, re-use both content and formatting
wherever possible.

Met vriendelijke groet / kind regards,

Wim Hooghwinkel wimh at scriptware.nl
DTP and XML Management

-----Original Message-----
From: mathieu jacquet [mailto:bobi...@hotmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2006 11:53 PM
To: Wim Hooghwinkel (Scriptware); lelks at exstream.com;
framers at frameusers.com
Subject: RE: Framemaker and Translation

To be more precise, Trados (Trados 6.0 at least) can deal with the following
formats :

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