Hi Roopa

On 6/28/06, Roopa Belur <rbelur at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi All, thanks for your responses. I appreciate it.
>   My apologies for not being clear. My company uses Microsoft Word. They are 
> considering moving to Frame in the next few months.
> I need help converting a Visio file into PDF without Distiller or any Adobe 
> product.
>   Has anybody used ABC Amber Visio Converter? 
> http://www.processtext.com/abcvisio.html
>   Or do you have any recommendations for Visio to PDF conversion?

Are you just trying to get your Visio file into Word? In that case, my
advice is to forget PDF.
Save your Visio file as .wmf.
In Word, import the .wmf file.
.wmf is a format that Word understands much better, so your end result
will be much better.
This eliminates the need for any converters.

Hope this helps.

regards, Karen Mardahl

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