susan.mcdonald at wrote:
> We are generating a book with over 50 chapters, each of which has a number 
> of figures. So far, we have decided that the product name and the screen 
> name should be included in the figure caption, so several of them are 
> quite long. I'm using Frame 7.0 on Windows XP.
> I have been able to format the LOF so that if the caption text is too long 
> for the line, it wraps and a tab places the page number at the far right 
> margin of the 2nd line. The only time this doesn't happen is when the 
> caption text is just long enough to fit on one line, not long enough to 
> wrap, but long enough to force the page number to the next line. When that 
> happens, the caption text is on one line and the page number on another, 
> but the number is at the left margin, not the right.
> I have tried adjusting tabs, inserting nonbreaking spaces at the end of 
> the problem captions,and playing with letter spacing,  with no luck. I 
> have two tabs for this paragraph, one between the figure number and the 
> caption text, and one between the caption text and the page number.
> I need to have the number on the right margin, even if the text is just 
> long enough to fit on the line and only the number gets pushed to the next 
> line.
> Does anyone have any ideas on how I can make this happen? So far, only 
> manual intervention to force a tab on the second line has worked, but we 
> have a lot of figures so this is not the preferred solution.
> Thanks in advance!
> Susan McDonald
> Teradyne, Inc.


Try putting an extra tab character (or two) before the <$pagenum> block 
on the reference page. (I haven't tested this, but I seem to recall 
someone else proposing this solution.)


Stuart Rogers
Technical Communicator
Phoenix Geophysics Limited
Toronto, ON, Canada
+1 (416) 491-7340 x 325

srogers phoenix-geophysics com

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