Can you put the caption name and number in the margin column as a run-in
side head? There the chapter name and number can use as much real estate as
they want. The caption (figure name will have plenty of space in the text
column.) In LOF, just list the figures based on chapter names and number
under different sub-headings and list figures under the subheadings by
numbers, names, and page numbers.


-----Original Message-----
[ at]On Behalf
Of susan.mcdonald at
Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2006 12:56 PM
To: framers at
Subject: Lines wrapping properly in List of Figures

We are generating a book with over 50 chapters, each of which has a number
of figures. So far, we have decided that the product name and the screen
name should be included in the figure caption, so several of them are
quite long. I'm using Frame 7.0 on Windows XP.

I have been able to format the LOF so that if the caption text is too long
for the line, it wraps and a tab places the page number at the far right
margin of the 2nd line. The only time this doesn't happen is when the
caption text is just long enough to fit on one line, not long enough to
wrap, but long enough to force the page number to the next line. When that
happens, the caption text is on one line and the page number on another,
but the number is at the left margin, not the right.

I have tried adjusting tabs, inserting nonbreaking spaces at the end of
the problem captions,and playing with letter spacing,  with no luck. I
have two tabs for this paragraph, one between the figure number and the
caption text, and one between the caption text and the page number.

I need to have the number on the right margin, even if the text is just
long enough to fit on the line and only the number gets pushed to the next

Does anyone have any ideas on how I can make this happen? So far, only
manual intervention to force a tab on the second line has worked, but we
have a lot of figures so this is not the preferred solution.

Thanks in advance!

Susan McDonald
Teradyne, Inc.


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