Very true. However, I didn't mention that there are 4 writers on the
team who ARE using RH to create content, and not only aren't
complaining, but one of them will fight as hard to keep RH as I will to
keep FM. We're in different countries, with an international audience,
so it's divided as to what our customers want. Which is why I think FM
is perfect: We can delliver BOTH PDF and CHM easily.

I guess I just need to keep repeating that...


        From: Rene Stephenson [mailto:rinnie1 at] 
        Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2007 11:37 AM
        To: John Sgammato; Lin Surasky; framers at
        Subject: RE: FM v. RoboHelp

        Agreed, John. Let the expert decide the appropriate tool. 

        However, it may be helpful to provide a quick synopsis of the
strengths and weaknesses of each program, followed by audience analysis,
customer expectations, and deliverable requirements, and then by drawing
the inevitable conclusion. Sometimes the failure to understand the tools
and the failure to understand the skillset in our trade seem to foster
assumptions that only enlightenment can silence.  

        Rene Stephenson

        John Sgammato <jsgammato at> wrote: 

                I think you're right on, Lin. 
                You know the tools you need to produce your
                I don't tell my plumber what kind of wrench to use...


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