On 3/19/07, Chris Borokowski <athloi at yahoo.com> wrote:
> I wouldn't list PHP as quality, nor am I that fond of
> the GIMP, nor do I think it's sensible to list LaTeX
> as "open source" since it was generated under a
> different time and rubric.

Sorry, you are right. TeX is NOT open source and never was. But lots
of things around it are, usually distributed under Copyleft. TeX is
free as in beer but not exactly like in speech. ;-)
LaTeX is distributed under the LaTeX Project Publishing License (LPPL).

> I like the idea of a UNIX-option for FrameMaker,
> however. Just don't cut out the BSD folks, as though
> they're few it's a more developed community.
> --- Bodvar Bjorgvinsson <bodvar at gmail.com> wrote:
> > I agree. In my experience, there is just as much bad
> > proprietary
> > software out there as in Open Source software, but
> > some of the best
> > software there is is Open Source (Apache, PHP,
> > MySQL, PostgreSQL,
> > TeX/LaTeX, Lilypond, The GIMP, etc).
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