Susan Modlin wrote: 

> This is a weird one. Frame is under the impression that I 
> have 16 Kozuko Gothic and Mincho fonts installed. They show 
> up in the para designer and fonts lists. Windows, on the 
> other hand, has never heard of them -- they're not in my 
> fonts folder or anywhere else on my system.
> My question is how do I convince Frame that these fonts don't 
> exist on my system? I'm in the process of designing new 
> templates and all these bogus fonts are annoying me no end. Thanks! 

Kozuka (not Kozuko) Gothic and Kozuka Mincho are Adobe Japanese fonts.
Do you have Asian language support enabled in either Windows or FM?
(What versions of Windows and FM, BTW?) I think those fonts come with
InDesign and/or Creative Suite -- are you working with any ID or CS

A Google search for "Kozuka Gothic Mincho" (minus the quotes) returns a
thousand hits, many of them from, so you might find something
helpful that way. 


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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