Maybe the full version of Acrobat?


On 5/14/07, Susan Modlin <smodlin at> wrote:
> Hi Richard,
> I'm running WinXP Pro Sp2, FM 7.2. If I have Asian language support enabled, 
> I sure don't know how it got that way.  No InDesign or CS.  None of my other 
> apps think the font is there -- only FM, and when I try to use it, nothing 
> happens. It's just an annoyance every time I scroll through the fonts list. 
> I've tried nuking and rebuilding the abobefnt*.list, but it didn't seem to do 
> anything.
> ...Susan
> ----- Original Message ----
> Richard Combs wrote:
> Kozuka (not Kozuko) Gothic and Kozuka Mincho are Adobe Japanese fonts.
> Do you have Asian language support enabled in either Windows or FM?
> (What versions of Windows and FM, BTW?) I think those fonts come with
> InDesign and/or Creative Suite -- are you working with any ID or CS
> files?
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Art Campbell                                             art.campbell at
  "... In my opinion, there's nothing in this world beats a '52 Vincent
               and a redheaded girl." -- Richard Thompson
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