It's true that the tag shows up in the list if it's in the catalog.
But in my quick test, adding it to the "include" list produces no
result because only the body page frames are searched when 
you generate/update the TOC. I put instances of the same 
para tag in the header and in the body, and when I add it to 
the TOC setuy and generate, I only see the instance that's 
on a body page.
This makes sense if you think about it, because the frames on
the master pages are background frames that may appear on 
multiple body pages. How can FrameMaker make a meaningful 
TOC entry for something that appears on multiple pages?

And it also makes sense to not provide direct access to user
variables, because the values of user variables are defined 
on a file-by-file basis. If a user variable with the same name
has different values in different chapters (as appears to be 
the case here unless Deirdre is actually dealing with lots of
differently named variables), which value is the TOC file 
supposed to use?


 EMAILING FOR THE GREATER GOOD> Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2008 11:05:54 -0400> From: 
jowens at> To: docudoc at> CC: deirdre.reagan at; framers at> Subject: Re: adding user variables 
to the TOC> > FWIW, the paragraph tag for our master page footer does show up 
in the > paragraphs you can select for the TOC.> > You might have to add it to 
the catalog in Paragraph Designer.> > Fred Ridder wrote:> > Deirdre Reagan 
wrote:> > > >> I have to create a TOC and one of items I want to list in the 
TOC is a> >> user variable that is located on the master page of my chapters. 
Is> >> it possible to have the TOC pick up a user variable? When we were> >> 
building the TOC, I didn't see that option anywhere, and when I went> >> to the 
reference page to add formatting, I didn't see that I could add> >> it there 
either.> > > > A TOC is designed to collect paragraphs that appear on the body 
pages> > of a book (e.g. headings), along with certain properties associated 
with > > each of those paragraphs, like autonumbering and the page number. > > 
Content that appears only in background frames (e.g. the header and > > footer 
frames on master pages) is not accessible to the TOC, AFAIK. > > > > 
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