It's a clunky solution predicated by your keeping the book in one
file, but just set up different master pages. The only difference
between master pages or sets of master pages would be the differing Xs
hard-coded into the footers: one set for Section 1, one set for
Section 2, etc.

Apply those masters to the appropriate selections of pages and you're done.


P.S. Why do you think it has to be in a single file?

On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 7:18 AM, Michael Zaichenko
<biozaichenko at> wrote:
> Hello Framers,
> here I'm presenting an impossible task. :-).
> I have a 300 pages document which consists of 9 sections. I need to generate 
> an index for it. Page number format should look like this: X-PP, where X is a 
> section number and PP - page number. Had I separate files, that would not be 
> a problem - make a book and off you go. I have 1 and I don't want split it 
> for certain reasons.
> So, is there a way to accomplish this numbering in one file? I know in 
> InDesign that is totally possible with Section'ing the document. What about 
> Frame?
> Michael
> ________________________________________

Art Campbell art.campbell at
 "... In my opinion, there's nothing in this world beats a '52 Vincent
and a redheaded girl." -- Richard Thompson
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