Well said, Jeremy!


On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 8:33 PM, Jeremy H. Griffith <jeremy at omsys.com>wrote:

> On Fri, 12 Sep 2008 08:46:29 -0700, Dov Isaacs <isaacs at adobe.com> wrote:
> >I hardly see how your request is related to "natural
> >justice" any more or less than a request to also allow simultaneous
> >activation of the same license of FrameMaker on computers used by other
> >members of your family.
> <rant>
> Really, Dov?  The first complies with the spirit, if not
> the letter, of the EULA.  The second is an obvious violation.
> No difference???  Unbelievable.  And just how many other
> *family members* are going to use Frame, for God's sake?
> Mif2Go has a very effective system of license control;
> it's called the "Honor System".  It works.  It's the only
> method we could find that does not interfere with usage
> by our licensed customers.  We trust you.
> Impractical, you say?  Wake up!  Pirates can break *any*
> system you use in less than an hour.  And broken copies
> of Adobe apps are available all over the Web; we must
> get fifty spams a day offering them.  So the only folks
> your anti-piracy measures affect are your *honest* users.
> You might think that with such an arrangement, people
> would never buy a second license in the same company.
> Why would they, if all they had to do was copy from their
> colleague?  Guess what; it doesn't happen.  We have more
> license purchases for *additional* copies than for singles.
> If you treat people as honest, they *are*.  If you treat
> them like criminals, well... you say more about yourself
> than about them.
> </rant>
> -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.
>  <jeremy at omsys.com>  http://www.omsys.com/
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