A drop in the pond on this runaway thread -

For the documents I produce, there is no way that InDesign could handle the
work of Frame. That would be a real nightmare. In other words, they
*cannot*do each other?s jobs.

I tend to be a meticulous user of Frame, and all of those features missing
from ID are key components to my workflow, and were they lost, I seriously
doubt that my documents could be managed effectively. Further, it goes
beyond these basics and when you start getting into the details, you find
similar problems.

Variables, equations, and conditional text are *really, really
powerful*tools if you just develop the right work habits. At first it
might seem a
pain in the ass, but once you get into the flow (and with some planning),
you start saving time incrementally.



On Sun, Sep 14, 2008 at 5:33 AM, Seraphim Larsen <seraphim37 at gmail.com>wrote:

> Well said, Jeremy!
> Seraphim
> On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 8:33 PM, Jeremy H. Griffith <jeremy at omsys.com
> >wrote:
> > On Fri, 12 Sep 2008 08:46:29 -0700, Dov Isaacs <isaacs at adobe.com> wrote:
> >
> > >I hardly see how your request is related to "natural
> > >justice" any more or less than a request to also allow simultaneous
> > >activation of the same license of FrameMaker on computers used by other
> > >members of your family.
> >
> > <rant>
> >
> > Really, Dov?  The first complies with the spirit, if not
> > the letter, of the EULA.  The second is an obvious violation.
> > No difference???  Unbelievable.  And just how many other
> > *family members* are going to use Frame, for God's sake?
> >
> > Mif2Go has a very effective system of license control;
> > it's called the "Honor System".  It works.  It's the only
> > method we could find that does not interfere with usage
> > by our licensed customers.  We trust you.
> >
> > Impractical, you say?  Wake up!  Pirates can break *any*
> > system you use in less than an hour.  And broken copies
> > of Adobe apps are available all over the Web; we must
> > get fifty spams a day offering them.  So the only folks
> > your anti-piracy measures affect are your *honest* users.
> >
> > You might think that with such an arrangement, people
> > would never buy a second license in the same company.
> > Why would they, if all they had to do was copy from their
> > colleague?  Guess what; it doesn't happen.  We have more
> > license purchases for *additional* copies than for singles.
> > If you treat people as honest, they *are*.  If you treat
> > them like criminals, well... you say more about yourself
> > than about them.
> >
> > </rant>
> >
> > -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.
> >  <jeremy at omsys.com>  http://www.omsys.com/
> > _______________________________________________
> >
> >
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Robert Rogge

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